Friday, September 08, 2006

Why is Paris Hilton a celebrity?

Is it so shocking, socialite Paris Hilton, got pulled over for a dui. I title her socialite because she is nothing more than that. Actor, no way, reality t.v. doesn't count and House of Wax, anyone could be in a horror movie. However, I give two thumbs up to the manikin used to show Paris's head slowling sliding down a metal pipe which had been lanced through her skull. Musician, no, well at least not quite. I admit, she can sing, sing about as well as anyone who can spend millions on record production to make her pitch perfect. Still, there are so many talented musicians out there dying for a chance to be heard, but instead we put up with Paris's best Gwen Steffani knock off hit. Bob Dylan had something interesting to say about today's music a couple of days ago, I forget exactly, but basically its about illegal downloads and how most the music being pirated isn't even worth anything.
So what is she? Exactly what she started out as, a multi millionaire heiress socialite. However, there's no going back to that simple existence now. Now she is beloved by the American media machine. She represents what superficial guys want; skinny blondes, and what every stupid princess wants to be. It's depressing to hear how many girls idolize Paris. For doing What? I've heard this comment so many times, from girls my age.
But now that she's in the spotlight, I can't help but feel sorry for her. Sure she makes stupid comments like comparing herself to Marilyn Monroe and occasionally get caught doing semi-retarded things like getting pulled over for drunk driving and stating that she was only speeding because she had the munchies. Do I wish Paris would just go away? Of Course, but when I see how vulnerable she is it makes me weak. There was one instance where she was being interviewed by a spoof news team and was asked how it felt to be called a giant condom. The look in her face was devastating, sure she's easy and has made her share of mistakes but that comment just about broke her.
Please Paris, just get out of the spotlight now because this is just the beginning.


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