Wednesday, October 04, 2006

From the "Let It Out" Section of the Indianapolis Star

"The Garden of Eden was in Iraq, Noah built his ark there, Daniel was in the lion's den there, and the wise men were from Iraq. More Bible prophecy is associated with Iraq than with any other nation."

I was not aware of Iraq's rich history until an Iraqi-American came to speak on campus last semester. In the speech, I learned that Iraq is one of the oldest civilizations. Iraq, and parts of Syria and Iran made up what was once called Mesopotamia. From this ancient society, humans developed the ability to write, invented bricks, and formed one of the first national governments.

Even more intriguing are the recorded stories from Iraq and its connection to many religious stories (not just Christian). There is an Iraqi legend remarkably similar to Noah's Arc. The tower of Babel had an Iraq address. And the king of Babel, Gilgamesh, has a similar story to Moses. Many of these remains have probably been destroyed by the US Air force, but I won't get into that right now.

It's impossible to know, as the quote above claims, where the Garden of Eden was located. However, Iraq is definitely a possibility as it is likely the world started somewhere in the Middle East. As far as prophecy goes, I'm not sure what the connection is? I'm not well versed in any religious book. I have heard though, that America is referred to as the New Babylon in prophecy, which would also reference Iraq because the original Babel was in Iraq.



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