Monday, October 16, 2006

A Farewell to Season II of Flava of Love

Last night concluded Season II of Flava of Love. Not usually a fan of reality TV, I sometimes get sucked in by obscure shows like the one Andy Dick had and "Who Wants to Be a Superhero?". However, I was not alone in my fascination with the crazy life of rapper flava flave and his quest to find his one and only true "ho". How else can you explain the demand for a second season, besides the fact that things didn't work out between Flave and the winner of season One.

I did not watch an episode of season one because I do not have cable here on campus, and watching an episode would have been too far out of the way. However, by the beginning of the school year several of my friends were regularly following Season II on Sunday nights and I decided to see what all the commotion was about. I'll admit, my preconceptions about the show were that this was too stupid even for me.

Unfortunately, the first episode I watched aired a week after the infamous "poop on the floor" incident. Despite this I was drawn in quickly. It was everything the bachelor should be, with none of the class. Flave flaunted around his house (I'm not sure if he owned it or was provided by the show) like a pimp and had all of his hos perform demeaning acts such as giving him lap dances and showing his buddies a "good time". As flamboyant as he was, Flave proved that he was reality TV material. Always having something to say and always speaking "from the heart". Flave was kind of a pig and childish, but he was "keep'n it real".

Last night, having become an avid fan, I felt like I knew who would receive the final clock. I voted for New York. Not because she was the truest and righteous of them all, which she wasn't, but because she just seemed to have a stronger connection with Flave's electric personality. Plus, why else would she have been brought back mid-season after being rejected in the first season. But after New York threatened Flava Flave's man-hood by trying to take command, she might have dug herself a grave.

I still believe that New York is Flave's counter part. The last scene from last night illustrates why. Instead of embracing the winner, Dilishis, he chose to fight with NY about why she was being rejected once again. Sparks flew, and this showed me that they were passionate for each other and Flave had made a huge mistake. If Dilishis was truly the one, Flave would not have wasted his time with New York, and would have greeted Dilishis with a tender kiss in the rain. I have a feeling we'll see her again in season III (please let there be a season III).

Now what am I to do with my Sunday nights? Homework? I'm really going to miss meeting down in Elaine's room and discussing Flave's love interests during commercial breaks. Now that I think about it, we all took the show too serious. Like when my friend Cassie told us that Flave had lost major cool points for voting off Bootz because she wouldn't put out. Bootz was my favorite on the show because she was vuluptuous, fun, and to top it off was a very classy lady. Upon being voted off she slyly presented Flave with a card with her phone number on it in case Flave "Changed his mind"

Good times.



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