Friday, October 06, 2006


I was just about ready to call it a night, when Jeremy asked Cory to beat some guy up. I was half listening to him talk about this 30 year old who is now with his ex-girlfriend, while watching the extra features on Napoleon Dynamite. I caught something to the effect that Jeremy had found pictures of her and this guy on facebook. To add salt to the wounds, the dates on the photos were less than a week after Jeremy had lost his virginity to her.

I'm not a big fan of Jeremy, and listening to his tale of heart-break was some-what surprising. This is the guy that started a speech this week with "I like it when people think I'm sexy", the same guy that I loss my date to at the party only days ago. I mean this guy knows women like the back of his hand and yet he is still susceptible to burns.

I loose confidence easily these days, but after hearing Jeremy's testimony, I think this is true for all modern males. Women and relationships have never been this complicated. No one realizes how hard we have it these days, the pressure of the media, the double sided coin of the women's movement (Do I still pay for dinner), and aesthetic culture. No one understands my pysche and why I have reservations towards today's fickle girls. This has led me to give up many times, such as the state that I currently am in, but I know that in a couple of days I'll want to have a go at it once more.

It pained me to see Jeremy last night as he looked over pictures of his ex and her new flame on the Internet. However, it brought things into perspective. No one is safe from heartbreak. In today's society, it is us males that are now the primary victims. I think that's a new place for us to be in, when really there should never be any victims at all.



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