Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fun With Vocabulary

Nancy’s arms dangled out of the yoke she was wearing across her neck. “Mistrial”, she cried, this was her favorite weasel word. She had been sentenced to five years in prison for the theft and consumption of Mrs. Abernathy’s delicious Yorkshire pudding.
Nancy was able to get a toehold during the trial, when she stated that she was a vegetarian, and would never eat something drenched in meat drippings. Mrs. Abernathy admitted that she had put extra meat sauce into the batter, but stated that this only made her pudding even more irresistible, even for a “heathen tree-hugger” such as Nancy. Adding, “My Yorkshire pudding is impalpable, it’s like eating God!”


Yoke: A wooden bar to join together two animals, such as oxen; or to help carry water pales from a well.

Weasel word: word used to evade of retreat from a direct statement or position.

Yorkshire pudding: batter consisting of eggs, flour and milk, baked in meat drippings.

Toehold: place of support for the toes; a means of progressing.

Impalpable: incapable of being felt by touch; not readily discerned by the mind.



On Monday I started thinking about those McGrubber skits on SNL. In case you haven’t seen them, they are 5-minute parodies of the MacGyver TV series. Will Forte plays McGrubber, and every scenario involves a ticking time bomb set for a little under a minute. During that time, McGrubber makes his doomed companions fix him drinks and pick up dog doo-doo, in what they think will help him shut off the bomb. Instead, McGrubber gets drunk or plays the guitar, and then they all blow up. But the best part of the skit is the opening theme song. It’s really corny and the lyrics always foreshadow what that week’s skit will be about.

Anyway, I was sitting in my cubicle and started thinking about McGrubber. I let out a chuckle, and tried to muffle it so the others around me couldn’t hear me and criticize me for being unproductive. This led me to writing my own lyrics for McGrubber, based somewhat on my life.


He’s not working in an office
Like some-kind of Yes-man


He’s got tactical experience
And he’s going to blow your head off


Summer Creativity

I am interning this summer. It’s interesting, I guess, but I get really bored sometimes. My productivity has nosed dived the past couple weeks, and more and more I look for mindless escapes in the middle of the day. It’s during these escapes that I am most creative. I channel the energy I am supposed to use for work, and use it to write character bios, or read the dictionary.

Anyway, I’ve created some neat stuff recently and want to share it online. So for the remainder of the summer I will be filling my blog with random tidbits that help me pass the time.