Thursday, April 26, 2007

"I am glad the ACLU is tackling the "In God We Trust" license plate issue. After all, people would freak out if I wanted a plate that said, "In Allah We Trust" or "In The Goddess We Trust.""

Let me just say the ACLU is a tremendously important organization. It levels the playing field, and makes sure that George Bush and Gerry Falwell don't push their agendas too far. However, they are nit picky sons of bitches. Anything and everything will piss them off, and then they scream and throw a tantrum. I really want to support them, but they're freakin nut jobs.

The latest hoopla is over a policy in Indiana that allows drivers to opt for "In God We Trust" license plates for no additional fee. Why they're free, I don't know. Maybe Indianapolis's over populated prisons had something to do with the over produced plates.

For years we Hoosiers have had to put up with hideous license plates. They're aqua and green, depicting Indiana corn, but based on the color scheme they look more like seaweed. So its seaweed or a slightly more attractive IGWT plate. I would pick the later any day, it just looks better and I'm not an atheist anyway.

Really that's the only group of people who should be pissed about the IGWT plates, Atheists, who make up just about one percent of the population. The ACLU may seem God-less at times, but rest assured most of them pray to some God at night (the union was established by Jews). "God" is not distinct to one religion, in fact he or she is a part of pretty much all of them.

Stop being bureaucratic pricks, and work on bigger issues like the federal funding of religious groups. Most of the time I support the ACLU, but some times it seems they're out to get everyone. They've become too powerful, and I don't think they serve as the true voice of Americans.


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