Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stink Tree

On campus there sits a tree. Sprouting off that tree are thousands of bulbous pink seeds. When these seeds hit the ground they splatter and leave the area with a foul smell. This leads to many students denouncing the odd stink tree, sometimes called the "poop" tree.

I wouldn't go so far to say that the seeds smell like poop, but it is not pleasant. Being the unaware goob that I am, I did not realize that seeds were the cause of the offensive smell until this semester. Coming back to the dorm room from the student center I would notice a faint throw-up smell. At first I thought it was my breath or my BO, but then I realized the smell was coming from my feet, I was much relieved. I had been crushing the stink bombs with my shoes. I have since stopped this practice and avoid stepping on the stink berries, thus the smell no longer follows me.

Unlike others on campus, I do not go too far out of my way to avoid the tree. I still take the side walk that brushes past the tree because it is the shortest distance to the student center. Plus smell is connected to memory. The stink tree will help me remember my time here and set it a part. However, I better take in the smell while I can. The tree is almost bare as Winter quickly approaches, and the smell will not reappear until next fall.



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