Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Crazed Ha mas Advocate Lecturer

For Tuesday's World History class, we had an author come in and give a lecture about the Israeli conflict. Her name was Susan Nathan, and when I heard that she was Jewish, I figured that she would advocate for the Israeli cause, being a Jewish state and all. But No!, she gave a speech that even the PLO and Ha mas would be proud of. In fact she stated that her and her colleagues greatly admired what Ha mas and Hezbollah were trying to do.

I was greatly confused, her grandparents had lived through the Holocaust, and here she is stating that Israel is an absolute evil (along with the US) and groups like Hezbollah are doing the right thing for their people in bombing Northern Israel. Did I mention she was British, and received amnesty from Israel for having Jewish heritage?

Its really hard to describe her platform, because she seemed so hypocritical. She didn't mention Palestine or Hitler, but some how Israel, her people, were an abomination to man-kind. They had brutally removed the Arabs from their homes and were running a brutal military campaign against Lebanon, whom they have been trading shells with since the summer.

My mind was blown that she was making these statements. I don't agree with Israel's actions against Lebanon, but on the other hand something had to be done. You can't lie back while your soldiers are being abducted and innocent civilians are being killed by war-heads. Like most Americans I support Israel, but furthermore would like to see peace in that region. Ariel Sharon, towards the end of his life, went over and beyond to offer the Palestinians more land, which drew criticism from his own people.

Despite her radical views, the way she presented her facts were cold and demeaning. Before she could start her speech she made sure we did not have our cellphones on or were chewing gum. What a Bitch! She humiliated us by telling us that we knew nothing about the outside world and it was our duty to get on the Internet and research what was happening in the Middle East. I raised my hand, stating that I knew about the war with Lebanon and knew about the creation of Israel (I answered that Israel was created diplomatically through the UN, she insisted it was created through violence and the dislocation of millions of Palestinians). But she dismissed my participation and labeled us all typical uninformed sheltered Americans.

I was dissatisfied with my performance in debating her claims. There's still a lot of research I need to do. Nathan was full of crap, but in a debate I would get demolished. Someones got to put her in her place before people start believing her.



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